The Elite theme is easy to set up using the WordPress customizer with a live preview. Here’s another gorgeous and must-have theme for your craftsmanship, Bridge. Here’s how to permanently delete your website in three steps. Although deleting your website files will effectively shut down your site, your database will still exist – and this could potentially leave you with security vulnerabilities.

You’ll be in awe of the changes it will make. If you are adding pages/posts in bulk, why is wordpress so slow ( you’ll need to create these and make sure they are different than the ones you already have. Enterprise Friendly: Strong version control and ACL capabilities make Drupal the CMS of choice for enterprise customers.

WordPress’s share in the CMS market is almost 60 percent (59.7, to be exact), while Joomla’s market share doesn’t even compare, at 6.7 percent. Thankfully, it doesn’t involve a lot of work, and won’t take up a lot of your time. If your host doesn’t give you access to cPanel (which would be unusual) or any other means of easily accessing your database, your next best solution is probably to contact them and request that they delete your database for you.

  1. Rich snippets for better SEO
  2. How to Make Money From Your Blog
  3. Change WordPress admin username by creating new user
  4. Weebly (Beginners Only – Not many Options)
  5. WYSIWYG editor

As with the previous solution, you’ll also want to contact the developer for a fix. What if you want to go beyond the scope of a regular page builder? Whether your business has closed, or you’ve started a new website from scratch, there are many cases where you might want to delete your WordPress website.

Although there are a lot of backup plugins available, our recommendation is UpdraftPlus. A church might choose a WordPress theme if there will be more than one person putting content on it. This post will tell you how to properly ensure that your self-hosted WordPress website is completely deleted. Deleting your website files will mean that the site will be shut down, but removing it completely from the internet is a different story. While this step is super simple, ensuring that your site is completely removed from the internet is a little more complex. While it’s relatively simple to achieve, removing it promptly and permanently from the internet requires some additional steps.